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The Wound of A Ghost (2022). 20"x50" Markers on Tracing Paper. Installation Art. 

The Project is my intepretation of after life or the journey of returning home. 

Wandering Forest (2020). 30"x50" Mixed Media. Installation Performance Art

The project is about raising awarness for ecological issues. I was sitting on an island entirely made out of the garbage I created while making and planning the project. 

Sea of Dream (2020). 3 min. A movie written, filmed, directed by me. 

The movie is an abstract/experienmental piece about a dream that I constantly have. It's about a fish who can't breath under water and the reality that doesn't make sense to me. 

Nervous System (2023). 4"x4"x4". Mixed Media Needle Felting. 

A sensory book made out of soft and textured materials. abstract nervous system as an attempt to relate calm the anxiety for those to pick up the book. 

I Miss You and I Won't Tell (2023). 5"x5"x2". Mixed Media With Tracing Paper and Charcoal

A hand made traditionally bind hard cover book with cover box. It express a sense of grief and nostalgia towards past memories in a form of family photo book. The poem inside is inspired by my experience of witnessing my father processing the lost of my grandma. 

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