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About me

My practices mainly involve ink/digital illustration and charcoal drawings. I am inspired by traditional Chinese painting styles with abstract almost surreal influences. I enjoy drawing creepy subjects like monsters and eyes that symbolizes my own anxiety; I also enjoy simple pastel or monochrome color drawings of cute character designs. My style is like a mix and match of many opposite subjects. My practice also involves installation art/ performance art as I enjoy the personal side of these types of artworks. Additionally, sometimes both the lack of content and overwhelming information is like the unstable structure of a dream and it's fascinating to get to know what these materials are capable of creating.  However, as an artist, I am still in the stage of exploring different materials. 

I like to explore subjects like mental illness, anxiety, nature and death, which is something I have the strongest feelings towards and personally experienced in my life. My lack of sleep has greatly contributed my interest in those topics just like how I am writing this piece of artist statement right now at 2:00 am. 

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